Be More Shonen Health Coaching
...from only 3 hours of work per WEEK

My name is Chris Minney and I am one half of Be More Shonen. I am a certified personal trainer and life coach, a professional cosplayer, and an occasional competitive powerlifter. When I'm not cosplaying, making content, or deadlifting anime characters I am coaching other anime fans and cosplayers towards a healthier body, lifestyle, and mindset without spending all day in the gym or making fitness their whole personality.
The above transformation took consistent training and dieting for only one year. It only took an average of 3 hours of training per week!
The transformation plan focusses on what's really important for developing an anime physique and improving ones health; a high protein whole foods diet, intelligently programmed weight training, and cardio that you find enjoyable.
That combination will have you become the embodiment of your favourite anime character. And you can even dominate the workouts from the comfort of your home, no gym required.
With my knowledge of training, nutrition, and psychology we'll work together. Building muscle, burning fat, or earning the mindset of an anime character.

Goku was my initial inspiration to get into shape. The cosplay transformation above is my physique ten years into training. And I still only train an average of 3 hours per week!
This isn't only about getting washboard abs and bulging biceps. It's about becoming the best version of yourself, like a real anime character. The program isn't limited to physical changes alone. You'll also become stronger, more confident, and more capable than ever before.
The transformation won't be easy. It will take dedication to track your calories. It will take discipline to hit the gym. It will take hard work to stay on track with the program. It might even be the hardest thing you'll ever do. But if you have what it takes, the results will be worth it. You'll see pounds of muscle gained and pounds of fat lost. You'll become more athletic and capable than ever before.
Here's what people say about the program:
“Chris Minney has me lifting more than I ever thought I could”
“Amazing, the most thought out training programs I’ve seen”
"I've been feeling awesome. I'm super pumped that I've hit my weight-loss goal and I can't wait to see the difference once I'm further in!"
"I would see my belly start to disappear. My abs showed up for the first time. My mental health improved, along with my outlook in life! My strength rocketed. I am now stronger, both mentally and physically than I have ever been!"
"I love your attitude as a coach. I'm not very good at taking a berating when I slip up but I value honesty and being straight. You somehow always strike the balance I need. Thanks for that 🥰"
"I just wanted to seriously thank you for all the help you've given have helped me realise that the number on the scales doesn't mean anything and have helped me learn to accept me and the fact that I can be pretty, I know I'm still working on it but this is a massive step for me...thank you so much, love you for all that you do"
Are you ready to transform? Are you ready to go SUPER? Become a real life anime character with Be More Shonen Health Coaching. Sign up now and let's start your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

I was once scared of the gym. The idea of lifting weights terrified me. It was scary, but I transformed my mindset before I transformed my body. After I transformed, I walked in to my first official powerlifting meet. I won my weight class and qualified for national championships!
With a strong mindset, intense focus, and positive goals you can do great things. And I'll help you get there!
This is what you’ll get by choosing me as your online fitness coach:
A customised training plan that doesn't have you in the gym for hours (unless you want to be there!)
A simple and effective nutrition plan based on your favourite foods
A mindset plan to help you achieve your diet and training goals with nothing left to chance
A cheat sheet guide for getting started with fitness. Including your new shopping list for a healthier life and stronger body!
You will work one-on-one with me via calls and messages
Every Monday I will oversee your weekly progress and make adjustments to your program when needed
Full form feedback 3x a week in response to your proactive updates to help you prevent injury
Unlimited contact between you and me via messages
A 24-hour turnaround on your questions on weekdays
48-hour turnaround on weekends
Free access to all my fitness books and any future books I release
For just £100 per month! (over £500 cheaper than the average in-person training rate!)
We get it.
The price of coaching can seem expensive.
However, by going all in with a qualified mentor you are saving yourself so much time, money, and effort in the long run you absolutely wouldn't believe it.
Most of us need guidance. According to the science having a trainer increases the chance of success by 30-70% vs doing it alone. And if you're looking at this page, chances are that you've tried doing it alone already.
The pursuit of strength and fitness was the best decision I ever made and it took me ten years of stopping and starting before I figured it out myself. I definitely would have gotten here much faster if I had a coach who not only knew their craft but understood my individual goals and motivations as an anime fan and cosplayer!
It usually takes 12 weeks to not only see habit change but to also see visual change. Try it out for a few months and if you're not satisfied with the level of service I offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don't see any results. Take the plunge, go all in, and let's get Super Saiyan strong.
We can only take on so many clients and we want to make sure that you're the perfect fit for our health coaching program. If you're a cosplayer, gamer, or anime fan who wants to become an irl anime character instead of living through them, this is for you.
Plug in your details below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you seem like a good fit for the program, we'll arrange a free consultation call, discuss your situation, and see if you're a fit for the program. In your message please include the struggles that you have, the characters you admire, and any other personal details that we should know about.
We can't wait to hear from you!