Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Skit at MCM Manchester 2015
If there’s one thing this skit signifies to me it’s friendship, a few months prior I had met some of the loveliest people I’d ever met in my life: the Dragon Ball Cosplay UK group. We had put together this skit over Skype and planned to perform it after the Dragon Ball Cosplay meet on the Saturday of Manchester MCM 2015 which is also the convention where I officially started to date Nomes. Piccolo (Tazz) put together the music with some guidance from me whilst each participant contributed to their individual part of the performance with some suggestions made to each other.
Even though I know we could all do better now I still love this skit and the memories it holds, it was one of the best weekends of my life and really changed the direction of my life completely.
Cosplays: Goku and Gohan from DragonBall Z