SHONEN SCRAN: World Record Time To Eat 20 Chicken McNuggets
So here it is! My first ever world record speed-eating feat and the first episode of Shonen Scran
Back story: I love to eat. One birthday I ordered a huge meal, finished my friends left-overs, and THEN took on the restaurants flagship eating challenge and succeeded. Good times, I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!
Me and my friends soon after decided to put my ‘super-power’ to the test by cooking 160 chicken nuggets and seeing how far I could get. Although I only got 89, we realised after watching back that I managed to eat 20 nuggets in 52 seconds which beat the record that was placed in record setter. So after some practice with McNuggets (which the record was based on) I got into my Son Goku (Dragon Ball Z, DBZ) cosplay to see how I’d fair with the official product.
You can watch the video here:
Cosplay: Goku (DragonBall Z)