Switching Your Mindset During Covid Times (The Shonen Way)
I have not been a Saiyan the last few months, I’ve been a Slowpoke at best & a Snorlax at worst
For the last few months I've struggled to get out of bed, my content production has slown down, & I've barely been managing to keep my physical health afloat
Until recently!
This isn’t a sob story, the reason I let my mental health slide is my fault alone. I began to allow the understandable gloomy opinions of the internet & media get into my head. I found myself so concerned over what other people think & what they’re doing wrong that I became the thing I preach to hate the most; a complainer taking to action to make things better
Once again, I decided to live like Goku. Just for one day I decided I wouldn’t complain about a single thing & to my surprise the world already seemed 80% brighter. Going forward I decided to focus all of my energies into making myself better instead of talking about why everyone else is wrong
And soon enough I began to feel exactly what I was grateful for
-I have so many companies reaching out now I’ll never have to buy clothes again
-I have an audience who are dedicated enough to ask me to greet their kids on their birthday
-I’m still making money & haven’t had to fall back on hand-outs
But of course, optimism is like an illness:
-I’m grateful that my friends and family are still alive
-I am grateful for my own health & my own personal hyperbolic time chamber to maintain it
-I’m grateful that my sister got the results she wanted & is happy in uni
-I’m grateful that I have feet! And hands! And a half functioning brain that can come up with silly blog posts like this one!
No matter how much shit life can throw at us, there is always a reason to smile. I forgot that, I forgot that we live in a world & a society that’s an utter miracle
I’m gonna make myself useful & help my tiny corner of the world in any way I can. It’s a far more productive use of my time than arguing with people online
I guess that’s the point of all of this, if you see something that’s wrong do what you can to make something better
That’s what protagonists do, Be More Shonen