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If there’s one thing this skit signifies to me it’s friendship, a few months prior I had met some of the loveliest people I’d ever met in my life: the Dragon Ball Cosplay UK group. Even though I know we could all do better now I still love this skit and the memories it holds, it really changed the direction of my life completely.

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After scoring the world record for 20 chicken McNuggets I started to look up other records that existed. After a while I came across this world record for eating 2 strawberry pop-tarts. I like pop-tarts so here we go!

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So here it is! My first ever world record speed-eating feat and the first episode of Shonen Scran: Fastest time to eat 20 McNuggets! (Dressed as Goku for the occasion)

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cosplay, Series, wigs & weights cosplay performances -

Being the debut of the #wigsandweights team this Code Geass cosplay skit holds a big place in my heart as it was the first time me and Nomes combined our skillsets to perform on stage as a duo for the World Cosplay Summit UK qualifiers in 2016

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