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Fuck New Years goals, take a skills first approach

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Goku goes into a gravity chamber, sets it to 100x earths gravity. He gets strong & becomes a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta sets it to 500x earths gravity. He gets strong but not as strong as Goku & can’t become a Super Saiyan.

Why? It's the backwards law.

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mindset, nutrition -

How to avoid over-eating during the holidays: you don’t. Take a leaf out of Goku's book.

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Anime chat, mindset -

There's some real satisfying moments in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but to me there's one that stands above them all.

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When you first start getting into the self development world you start trying your best to ignore your lesser behaviours. And 9 times out of 10; you SHOULD ignore your lesser behaviours. However, there are certain parameters about yourself that you cannot and should not repress. Enter; Joseph Joestar

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