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Diet hacks get thrown around a lot these days. Here's a set of principles that will legitimately work to double your weight loss efforts from a traditional diet and still have you eating like Goku

And no, it's still not keto lol

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A big hurdle when people adopt a fitness lifestyle is that they equate 'healthy' with 'fat loss' & get discouraged when their efforts don't translate to the scale. Here's a way of eating that takes the science of calories and removes the math involved.

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Something you may not know about me is that I was a long term 'sufferer' of the eating disorder 'SED' (Selective eating disorder) which is basically a fancy way of saying I was a fussy eater. I overcame it using the will-power of anime characters as motivation coupled with tried & tested strategies of eating more veggies.

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When people first begin training it's hard to separate the noise from the substance and there's a lot of perceived experts out there who want to pray on the insecurities of desperate people by making a narrative worthy of an anime story: that we're being poisoned by carbohydrates and the food scientists that are peddling this highly toxic deadly substance for financial gain. 

Except that's just not the case at all.

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One of the biggest concerns for people when first going vegan or vegetarian is where they are going to get their protein. Plants can have a lot of protein but it isn't that simple. We're gonna take a look at how much protein a vegan or vegetarian needs and which sources to get it from for the purpose of muscle building.

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