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A Power Level Of 2: Fuck Your Genetic Potential (Lessons From Goku)
On fitness forums the topic of genetic potential always seems to crop up sooner or later. People want to know what the natural limit is for strength, performance, & hypertrophy.
This is what you can take away from Goku's born power level of 2.
This is what you can take away from Goku's born power level of 2.
Getting Fat To Make GainZ: Bulking & Cutting For Weebs & Cosplayers
Do you need to get fat to put on muscle? No, and 9/10 times it’s a bad idea.
You're never gonna catch Goku, Jotaro, and Doffy bulking
You're never gonna catch Goku, Jotaro, and Doffy bulking
Train Movements Not Muscles: The Super Saiyan Six Exercises
Focus on training movements rather than muscles when you're working out. Almost everyone who first gets into lifting uses a body-part split which is predominantly used by roid-head juiced up bodybuilders. For the weeb in training who has just started working out with weights, this is highly inefficient and in most cases detrimental.
Shonen Focus: The Missing Ingredient To Your Fitness Journey
The key transformative benefit of lifting weights is that it proves to yourself objectively that you can become better than yesterday. However, there’s a lot of people who go to the gym and just do nothing but mess around. Make sure this isn't you.
Combining Strength Training & Callisthenics (Training Like Goku)
I get asked about calisthenics a surprising amount, is it possible to combine strength and hypertrophy training with callisthenics for an awesome physique with anime style balance and co-ordination? Yep!